HLA On-line Documentation and Resources

Download HLA This link takes you to the page where you can download HLA and supporting code.
HLA Documentation Read about the HLA Language and the HLA Standard Library
HLA Installation Instructions A guide that describes how to manually install the HLA system under Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, or FreeBSD.
HLA Sample Programs Want to take a look at some HLA sample code before downloading the whole package? Try this link!
HLA White Papers Read some technical papers about HLA and related subjects
The Art of Assembly Language The Art of Assembly Language (AoA) is the premier book on x86 assembly language featuring the HLA language. It is available in published as well as electronic form.
Published Edition:

Electronic Edition

HLA v3.0 Progress For early adopters! Check out how HLA v3.0 is shaping up!
Advanced HLA Programming Not for the weak of heart! These papers describe some advanced HLA programming techniques.
Win32 Programming in HLA This link takes you to Randy Hyde's new e-text "Windows Programming in Assembly Language" as well as other Win32-related programming subjects.
Other Tools for HLA Third Party Support for HLA
HIDE by Sevag Krikorian The HLA Integrated Development Environment
RadASM RadASM is a powerful integrated development environment (IDE) for HLA. The following link takes you to the RadASM home page.
OllyDbg OllyDbg is a machine-level debugger that is compatible with HLA. The link to the right takes you to the OllyDbg home page.
Newsgroups, Forums, Mailing Lists, and other HLA Support The following information and links provide the names of newsgroups and web sites where you can learn more about HLA.
comp.lang.asm.x86 An internet newsgroup dedicated to x86 assembly language development. This newsgroup is moderated and has a very high "signal to noise" ratio.
Use your newsreader or http://groups.google.com
alt.lang.asm An unmoderated and "freewheeling" newsgroup. Lots of noise, but good tidbits now and then.
Use your newsreader or http://groups.google.com
HLA/AoA Mailing List A Yahoo Group/Mailing list dedicated specifically to HLA programming.
Win32ASM Community Bulletin Board A web-based forum dedicated to Win32 assembly language programming. Includes an HLA-specific subforum.
MASM32 Support Board Another web-based forum dedicated to Win32 assembly language programming. Also includes an HLA-specific subforum.
HLA Programs by Sevag Krikorian A web page with several examples of HLA programs and other links